About Metin Leblebici
He was born in Istanbul in 1980. He graduated from Istanbul University Istanbul Faculty of Medicine in 2003. In 2009, he graduated from Istanbul Göztepe Training and Research Hospital as a General Surgery Specialist. He worked as a General Surgery Specialist at Ankara Gülhane Military Medical Academy and in Kosovo between 2009-2010. Between 2010-2013, he worked as the Chief Physician and General Surgery Specialist at Sivas Suşehri State Hospital. While working as a General Surgery Specialist at Göztepe Training and Research Hospital between 2013-2016, he received Liver and Kidney transplantation training at Akdeniz University Organ Transplantation Institute between 2014-2015. Between 2016-2022, he served as a faculty member in the Department of General Surgery at Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine and as the responsible physician for Organ Transplantation at Göztepe Prof. Dr. Süleyman Yalçın City Hospital. He received the title of Associate Professor in General Surgery in October 2021. Since October 2022, he has been working at Istanbul Koşuyolu Medipol Hospital.